The Best Auto Title Loan, Garland TX
It is difficult for most people to get a cash advance from a bank or other financial institutions. This is because the current tough economic times have rendered a lot of people jobless and many others are on reduced incomes. This has affected the credit ratings and borrowing capacities of a lot of consumers, making it even harder for them to access cash, loans, and other lines of credit. This is why the residents of Texas will be fortunate to learn of the loan facility available to them from a local car title cash advance company.
The company VIP Title Loans is a local company and has been providing quality and affordable loans to the local community for many years. The firm was founded back in 1989 and has since been lending to residents who own a car and have a title to the car. The loans advanced to borrowers are very easy to acquire and charge a very low-interest rate. As a local firm registered within the state, the firm understands the needs of the local residents and ensures that they are flexible enough to adjust their policies so as to meet the requirements of the borrowers.
The Firm Does Not Consider a Borrower’s Credit Status.
The credit ratings or credit history of a borrower is irrelevant. The only requirement is the ownership of a car that comes with a title. And with the hard economic times, borrowers’ do not need to have a job for them to qualify and apply for a cash advance. They simply need to abide by the lending terms which simply require an auto title.
In order to apply for the loan, a person will need to drive into the local auto title loan garland and have their car assessed and valued. This is the first process of putting in a loan application. There is no need for an appointment and hence motorists simply need to drive in whenever they have time. There is always a professional valuer available. It is their assessment that will determine the value of the car. Once the valuation process is complete, the applicant will be able to submit an application for a cash loan.
A loan applicant in Texas regions such as Garland will be able to apply for a loan of any amount not exceeding the value of their car.
However, the amount may equal the value of the car. Once an application is submitted, then the loan application will be processed and the money disbursed to the applicant.
The applicant will then spend the money any way they choose and then repay it at a very low, very affordable, and quite a competitive rate of only 6 % interest rate. This is in contrast to other lenders who lend at rates such as 300 %.