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Fortunately, gas prices are lower right now than they were a year ago. Still, filling your tank can take a bite out of your budget! The cost is lower in some places than others, and the gas station where you fill up will make a difference in the price you pay. Pay attention, and you could save significantly, just by choosing a station with lower prices and buying regular gasoline if your car doesn’t require premium. Want some more tips on how to save money on gas? We’ve got you covered.

Use an App for That

How do you find the best gas prices? Driving around to figure it out doesn’t make sense, but fortunately, there are apps like GasBuddy, AAA, and Gas Guru to help you find the best prices, whether you’re at home or traveling. You can even get gas price advice from your navigation app, if you use Google Maps or Waze.

Choose Your Payment Method Wisely

Don’t automatically expect to use your debit card and get the best price, because many stations charge more for non-cash purchases. If you can, pay cash. If you are more comfortable using a card, consider using a cash back or rewards credit card. While you will pay more up front, the rewards you receive may be worth it.

Adjust Your Driving Habits

  • Watch your speed. Speeding uses more gas than driving the speed limit, and keeping your highway speed to 65 miles per hour can save you as much as 15 to 20 percent on fuel. Around town, avoid accelerating too quickly, and try to avoid repeated braking and acceleration. When you do need to stop at a stop sign or red light, take your foot off the gas and coast until you need to brake.
  • Drive less. It’s simple: but the less you drive your car, the less you will spend on gas. If you can carpool or take public transportation to work, that is a great way to give your car a rest. When you are running errands or going to appointments, try to bundle them so that you are not constantly going back and forth from your home.
  • Use the cruise control. If you are doing a lot of interstate driving, it is easy to save money and give your legs a break by turning on your cruise control.
  • Avoid idling. If you are waiting for someone, or even waiting in a lengthy drive-through lane, turn off the car. Even if the car is not moving, it’s using gas when it is running.
  • Lighten up. Carrying things in the trunk or on the roof rack can weigh your car down and cause it to guzzle gas. Clean out your car, and you may find that you save significantly on gas.
  • Use your air conditioning sparingly. Park in the shade or use sunshades to keep your car from getting too hot, and open your windows rather than running the A/C. Even on the highway, open windows affect fuel economy less than air conditioning.
  • Schedule your gas station trips wisely. Did you know that certain days of the week have higher gas prices than others? Mondays are typically the cheapest day of the week, with Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday being the most expensive.

Keep Your Vehicle Well-Maintained

Modern cars don’t need “tune-ups,” but keeping your car maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions will ensure that it runs smoothly, and that will save on gas. Keep your tires correctly inflated, too, checking to make sure the pressure matches what is on the sticker inside the driver’s door. If your check engine light comes on, get to a repair shop as quickly as possible.

Trust VIP Title Loans to Help You Save Money

When you’re looking for money-saving tips, we’re here for you, and if you need some extra cash, we’re here for that, too. At VIP Title Loans we offer the best title loan rates in the industry, which you can easily verify by comparing us to other title lenders. We understand that saving money is important to you, and we value your dollar. That’s why we offer manageable rates, and fees that are lower than most other companies. We want to earn your business by saving you money, and with locations in Arlington, Dallas, Garland, Hickory Creek/Denton, and Richardson, we’re easy to find. Call us at 214-819-9491 or 682-325-4202, or contact us for more information.