How To Get A Fast Auto Title Loan In Mesquite
When traditional lenders turn down a hard-working consumer for a cash advance, it is natural for that person to feel jolted. After all, that person may work long hours and pay all the bills at his or her residence. When a traditional banking institution denies a loan to a consumer, it makes such a person feel unworthy. Additionally, it creates a situation in which an honest consumer has wasted a large amount of time only to receive a negative response. If you find yourself being turned down for loans by multiple financial companies, it might be time to apply for an auto title loan Mesquite.
An auto title loan is a cash advance that the lender bases on the value of the borrower’s car. This type of lender does not include a credit check in its approval process. The only documentation it will want to see is the borrower’s proof of ownership of the vehicle. The borrower will have to release ownership of the vehicle during the time he or she owes the money. However, as soon as the person repays the advance, the lender will release the lien. Additionally, the lender will not take possession of the vehicle during the course of the loan.
The borrower can continue to drive it and use it for everyday activities.
To qualify for an auto title loan Mesquite, the applicant needs to be 18 years of age or older. Although title loans are easy to acquire, they still require the borrower to sign a contract, which is the reason for the age requirement. Additionally, the person will have to prove that he or she can afford to repay the advance. The lender will accept pay stubs from the person’s current employer or proof of a government disability check or assistance.
What Is The Process?
The process of receiving a title loan is quite simple. To initiate borrowing quick cash, the applicant needs to complete an application.
This person can either call (214) 319-6699 or visit a branch location.
A representative will inspect the vehicle’s condition and verify its worth. This person will then make a final loan offer to the applicant. If the borrower accepts the offer, he or she will have to sign a contract and temporarily release ownership of the vehicle to the loan provider. The great part about this is that the borrower can still drive the vehicle every day during the loan period.
VIP Title Loans is the company to call for an auto title loan Mesquite. The organization has been providing loans to Texas residents for 20 years, with a focus on pricing flexibility and accommodation. Borrowers can enjoy a low-interest rate of 6 percent on any title loans for which they qualify.
Additionally, VIP offers an accident or breakdown protection plan that allows a borrower to turn in his or her vehicle to take care of the amount of the loan.
Interested parties can place an application today and receive their funds in less than 24 hours.